Inspired by the familiar story of Pinocchio, Lies of P is an action souls-like set in a dark Belle Époque world. As the puppet P, players must wind their way through the streets of the ruined city of Krat, crafting weapons from the materials found in the world and interacting with the remaining few who manage to survive in this hellscape. The more lies told, the more human players become, with all the advantages and disadvantages it entails. Experience profound narrative choices and deeply customizable character progression as you guide P on his unrelenting journey to become human.
The essence of battle: Wield and master various weapons with unique combinations of Fable Arts and Legion Arms to find out what fits your playstyle
Variety of attractions: Enjoy the beautiful, yet dark atmosphere of the Belle Époque era and explore the once prosperous city of Krat
Lie system: P is made of a puppet’s heart, but he learns how to think and feel like a human by lying
You are a puppet created by Geppetto who’s caught in a web of lies with unimaginable monsters and untrustworthy figures standing between you and the events that have befallen the world of Lies of P. You are awakened by a mysterious voice that guides you through the plagued city of Krat – a once lively place that has been poisoned by madness and bloodlust. In our soulslike, you must adapt yourself and your weapons to face untold horrors, untangle the unfathomable secrets of the city’s elites and choose whether to confront predicaments with the truth or weave lies to overcome them on the journey to find yourself.
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