The Tale of Onogoro combines traditional Japanese culture and steampunk elements to create its unique world. The Player travels with Haru, a Japanese high priestess, solving sprawling puzzles and battling giant beast-like beings called “Kami” along the way.
System Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 10
Steam account required to download and install.
A Tale Tailored to VR – Experience communication with a virtual character in a VR title developed as “”an adventure game for the VR age.””
Unique VR Puzzles – Work with Haru to deactivate the large, puzzle-like barriers blocking your path. Teamwork is key, as some objects can only be used by one of you!
Intense Battles with Kami – Five giant beast-like beings await you on Onogoro Island. Work with Haru to discover how to defeat and quell each of the giant “Kami.”
Fight Alongside a Companion – The Player travels with Haru, a Japanese high priestess.
This is a Steam Code for ‘The Tale of Onogoro’. Code must be downloaded on a PC and then downloaded to VR headset before playing.
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