Redesigned for the Manga Glory of the Losers, here comes the titular mobile suit, The Wing Gundam. Redesigned by Hajime Katoki, the Wing Gundam is a transformable mobile suit that transforms from Mobile suit Mode to Bird Mode. Look for origin of shipment: Only items shipped from within North America are being sold by authorized U.S. Retailers. The product box will have a Bluefin / Bandai Namco warning label, which is proof that you are purchasing an officially licensed Bandai product, distributed by its sole and authorized distributor (Bluefin ) for the U.S. Markets. This product has been thoroughly tested for safety and meets all North American consumer product safety regulations. The affixed label also entitles the purchaser to product support assistance within the United States.
Comes in multi-colored plastic offerring various shades of white that shows color seperation
Comes with Shield, Buster Rifle, and extra ammo repacks
Product bears official Bluefin Distribution Logo the official Hobby provider of North America
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