The latest installment to the Spirit Hunter Series – Death Mark II – finds Kazuo Yashiki back in H City to investigate supernatural occurrences at Konoehara Academy. Posing as a teacher, you will search the school and surrounding area for any clues to the mysterious disappearances of the students. As in previous games in the series, the developers have drawn on Japanese myths and folklore to create an immersive and nuanced tale of terror. Some old faces return to aid Yashiki in his quest, and a 2D side-scrolling mode offers a new way to explore locations. Be ready, for when a spirit does attack, crucial mistakes mean certain death.
Solve the mysterious deaths with help from many of the original characters from the first game – Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
New 2D exploration “gameplay” – involve a partner and see how well you can do
All new artwork from the same team of the first 2 games – Spirit Hunter: Death Mark & Spirit Hunter: NG
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