A new “Animation Color Edition” of the popular S.H. Figuarts Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon figure series! Featuring coloration based on their appearances of the 1990’s anime series, it showcases the Sailors and their cute actions with all their accuracy to detail and posability fans have come to expect from S.H. Figuarts. Note that the actual product may vary from the imagery, also the figure must be attached to the stand in order for it to be displayed in a standing pose. Main body, 3 optional expressions points, 5 left and 5 right hands, optional bangs parts, and stand. Look for origin of shipment: Only items shipped from within North America are being sold by authorized U.S. Retailers. The product box will have a Bluefin / Bandai Namco warning label, which is proof that you are purchasing an officially licensed Bandai product, distributed by its sole and authorized distributor
A new “Animation Color Edition” of the popular S.H. Figuarts Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon figure series!
Featuring coloration based on their appearances of the 1990’s anime series, it showcases the Sailors and their cute actions with all their accuracy to detail and posability fans have come to expect from S.H. Figuarts.
Note that the actual product may vary from the imagery, also the figure must be attached to the stand in order for it to be displayed in a standing pose.
Main body, 3 optional expressions points, 5 left and 5 right hands, optional bangs parts, and stand.
Only product with affixed official Bluefin and Bandai Namco label has been thoroughly tested for safety and meets all North American consumer product safety regulations and entitles the purchaser to product support assistance
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